Workplace Injuries

Skin Checks

Skin checks conducted in the workplace offer numerous benefits to employees. The foremost advantage is early detection of skin cancer. Skin cancer, when identified early, has a much higher chance of successful treatment. By undergoing regular skin checks in your workplace, you increase the likelihood of catching any potential skin cancer at its earliest stage, leading to better outcomes and potentially saving lives.

Additionally, workplace and corporate skin checks provide an opportunity for education. Skin health awareness is vital for individuals to understand the risks, recognise suspicious spots or moles, and take necessary precautions to protect themselves from harmful sun exposure. Skin checks not only detect cancer, but also empower individuals to make informed decisions about their skin care routines and sun protection measures.

To maximise the effectiveness of workplace and corporate skin checks, it is recommended to undergo an assessment annually. Regular check-ups ensure that any changes or new developments in skin are monitored closely. A yearly schedule maintains continuity in skin health surveillance, enabling early detection and timely intervention if necessary.

Pre-Employment Medicals

Pre-employment medical assessments are a workforce risk management tool used to screen individuals for risk factors that may limit their ability to perform a job safely and effectively.

Hervey Bay Doctors and Craignish Doctors offers comprehensive and detailed pre-employment medical examinations, pre-placement and periodic medical assessments. Furthermore, our medical assessments can be tailored to suit your business needs. In summary, the health and safety of your staff is essential and is key to optimising company productivity.

Some of the benefits of asking staff to undergo a pre-employment medical include:

A pre-employment medical could include:

Health Education for Staff

Do you want to convey an important health message to your workplace or to educate staff on a relevant topic, such as injury prevention, the importance of skin checks or the dangers of heat stroke? The staff from Hervey Bay Doctors and Craignish Doctors can engage your staff on a broad array of health topics of your choice at your staff meetings, ‘tool box’ breakfasts or training events etc.

Flu & Vaccination Clinic

Employees are the most valuable asset to a business. Caring for your staff’s health and wellbeing and vaccinating your staff against the flu, will not only protect them, but protect your business against sick days, prolonged sick leave and consequently reduced productivity.

Hervey Bay Doctors and Craignish Doctors can even provide on-site flu vaccinations for your staff members, if given enough advanced notice. Give your staff efficient access to the flu vaccine and limit sick leave. It’s a simple and efficient way to protect your team and keep the workplace healthy.

Hervey Bay Doctors and Craignish Doctors can also provide COVID, shingles, pneumonia and Hep A/B vaccinations.

Drug & Alcohol Testing

The National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction’s (NCETA) analysis of the 2013 National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS) data highlights the large financial impact employee alcohol and drug use has on workplaces. The analysis found:

Several staff at Hervey Bay Doctors and Craignish Doctors have completed HLTPAT005 Collect Specimens for Drugs of Alcohol Testing course. This is Nationally Recognised Training that has been designed for organisations who want qualified staff to collect and test, breath, oral-fluid, or urine samples for drugs of abuse. The course meets all legislative requirements for drug testing & alcohol testing in accordance with the following Australian Standards:

Drivers Licence Medicals

The health of private and commercial drivers is crucial, as they must stay fit and sharp on the road. Hervey Bay Doctors and Craignish Doctors provides a comprehensive medical assessment for driver’s licenses for both commercial and private drivers. To ensure that the drivers are fit for their job, the doctors conduct a few tests such as physical examination, vision tests, hearing ability, and if required blood tests too.

The National Medical Standards (private or commercial) and the guidelines Assessing Fitness to Drive are used to assess whether an employee has a mental or physical incapacity (a medical condition) that is likely to affect an employee’s ability to drive a motor vehicle safely. Hervey Bay Doctors and Craignish Doctors are knowledgeable of the medical standards used to assess drivers for fitness to drive commercial vehicles. The doctors provide advice, based on the standards, about how an employee’s particular health condition might affect their ability to drive safely and how it might be managed. This guarantees the physical and mental well-being of the drivers for them to operate a vehicle safely.

Diver Medicals

If you love diving or dive as a part of your work, having your dive medical up to date is essential. Underwater diving can be an exciting experience, if done correctly, in an individual that is deemed fit to dive. However, in an individual who is not suitable to dive or if diving is performed incorrectly, it may result in serious adverse health consequences, including death.

Hervey Bay Doctors and Craignish Doctors understand the unique needs and requirements of diving enthusiasts. That’s why we have a dedicated GP who specialises in providing comprehensive diving medicals and is experienced in assessing the health and fitness of individuals interested in scuba diving, ensuring they meet the necessary medical criteria for safe and enjoyable diving experiences.

What to bring to the examination? Any relevant medical records, any results of sight or hearing tests, copies of any relevant prescriptions and identification to allow your certificate to be issued.

Coal Miners Medicals

The Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme is used to determine fitness for work, and to provide early diagnosis and intervention for respiratory diseases like coal mine workers’ pneumoconiosis and silicosis. It does this by:

The scheme applies to workers employed in high-risk tasks in Queensland coal mines. This includes workers employed on coal exploration permits, mineral development licences and mining leases.

A standard Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme medical assessment includes:

Aviation Medicals

Hervey Bay Doctors and Craignish Doctors has a Designated Aviation Medical Examiner (DAME) on site, appointed by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Australia (CASA).

An aviation medical ensures staff have the physical capacity to operate a plane safely and efficiently, and that they are flying within their capabilities. An aviation medical consists of various tests, including urine and blood pressure tests, eye examination, hearing tests and tests for cholesterol levels and blood sugar. An ECG to check the heart health may also be included. As well as the medical tests, staff will also be asked about any existing health conditions, so that the examiner can understand how these may impact the ability to fly.

What to bring to the examination? Any relevant medical records, any results of sight or hearing tests, copies of any relevant prescriptions and identification to allow your certificate to be issued.